v. to make radically different
n. a fresh set of clothing; money

Change t-shirts 52 times in 2010 to raise awareness and funds for 52 world changers.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Thousands are satiated from Walking in Massachusetts.

Sounds ironic, but Project Bread's annual Walk for Hunger raises millions of dollars to feed the hungry in Massachusetts.

As the “oldest continual pledge walk in the country,” the Walk for Hunger has become an integral part of Boston’s landscape every May. Relying on pledges and sponsors from the Walk for Hunger, Project Bread is able to “run 400 food pantries, soup kitchens, and food banks all over Massachusetts; a statewide hunger hotline; and breakfast and summer food programs.”

Through their investments in anti-hunger programming and advocacy, Project Bread has given a voice to the hungry. While the Walk for Hunger may only occur once a year, for its 42,000 participants and 2,000 volunteers, fighting hunger in their local communities is a constant priority.

Since 1969:

1,002,800 Walkers

20,818,800 miles

Over $77.8 million

has helped to fight hunger in Massachusetts.

Closing some of the Boston’s busiest streets, the Walk for Hunger’s 20 mile route illustrates the donors’ impact in the most public of settings. With the help of musical entertainment and hundreds of gallons of sunscreen, enthusiastic participants and volunteers make the Walk for Hunger a success every year.

As for the rest of the year?


Working with public schools, the Harvard School of Public Health, local farmers, and the Massachusetts Food Policy Alliance, Project Bread capitalizes on the expertise and interests of various organizations and individuals to alleviate hunger from the State’s agenda.

For the 550,000 people suffering from hunger in Massachusetts, Project Bread’s vision is no easy feat.

Yet, year after year, their successful story fills the streets.

Please visit for more information.

(Project Bread is aiming to end hunger in Massachusetts.)

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