v. to make radically different
n. a fresh set of clothing; money

Change t-shirts 52 times in 2010 to raise awareness and funds for 52 world changers.

What do you change for?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



While some may think the SOS international Morse code distress signal has become obsolete in our technologically advanced society, the people at Share Our Strength (SOS) are answering calls for help and aid to ensure that “No Kid [goes] Hungry” in America.

SOS uses innovative programming, creative marketing, and intriguing partnerships to integrate healthy nutritional eating habits into the busy lives of hungry children. From the most developed nations to third world countries, hunger rests on every nation’s doorstep.

Almost 1 in 4 children in America (about 17 million kids) is hungry.

We often think of hunger’s immediate effects—growling stomachs or perhaps a headache. But SOS has highlighted hunger’s long term effects, which include weak immune systems, behavioral difficulties, and deteriorating academic performance, among other consequences.

By collaborating and partnering with restaurants and foodservice professionals, SOS has shared the industry’s strength of food knowledge to raise awareness about hunger through cooking classes, volunteering, and fundraising events.

Much of SOS’ success comes from their partnerships with world renowned chefs, restaurants, and corporate sponsorships. From their first
“Taste of the Nation” (an American Express sponsored event where restaurants host tastings to benefit SOS) in 1988, involving 25 cities and raising $250,000, to the current “Taste of the Nation” which includes 55 cities and has since raised over $70 million, SOS has reached millions of lives and continues to promote and expand their mission.

The $265 million raised from SOS’ four main events: “Taste of the Nation,” “Great American Bake Sale,” “Great American Dine Out,” and “A Tasteful Pursuit” is allocated into grants for SOS’ partners and for their own educational program “Operation Frontline,” which teaches low-income families “how to shop for and prepare healthy, low cost meals.”

These grants focus on state partnerships and individual organizations whose work aligns SOS’ 10 points national plan to end childhood hunger. SOS’ Funds and partnerships have already helped to serve 40.2 million meals to kids, created almost 1,000 afterschool feeding facilities, and educated hundreds of thousands about healthy foods.

While many of us living in one of the wealthiest countries in the world rarely think about where our next meal will come from, there are millions of Americans wondering how they will make it through afternoon recess without their snack.

SOS is their help.

Please visit to find out more.

(Share Our Strength has been feeding the hungry and teaching the importance of nutrition not only in America, but in Ethiopia, Mexico, El Salvador and Haiti as well.)

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